I just sat with my son as he requested to see the videos of the three shooting incidents this week. As we watched the last video from Minneapolis (Philando Castile) we both broke down in tears watching and listenening to the brave woman (Diamond Reynolds) live stream the death of her boyfriend. Over a year ago, after the last rash of shootings I wrote the linked open letter to him that I shared with many of you. I always hope that there would be this drastic shift in our society to love vs. violence, and I would not have to keep having these conversations and viewings with my children. My son will turn 12 in the next few weeks and now rides his bike to school, his friends and back and forth between his mom's house and ours. Along with the normal parental fears around traffic safety, and avoiding bullies, etc., I most worry that he will be pulled over by the police. I think about the little girl in the back of the car witnessing the shooting and I can't help think of my 5 year old daughter, who was playing her room as we watched, hoping she never has to witness such horror.
I am beyond sad, and almost beyond hope that hate and fear is conquering love in this country and that we will continue this #redhotsummer without the cool breeze of peace and compassion to save us.
The link to the original blog. http://proactivesoul.blogspot.com/2015/02/open-letter-to-my-son-miles-on-too-many.html
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